Sunday, June 24, 2012

End of the Beginning, but Creating a Bright Future

Hi Everyone!  Well we have successfully made it through our first graduate class here at Walden.  I have truly enjoyed learning and growing with all of you.  I have made some great connections with some of my fellow classmates and hope to develop these relationships throughout our program.  We all have a path that we are following and many of us will continue to cross.  Thank you for you insights, experiences, and encouragement through out the class.  We have a great journey in front of us and I wish you all the best of luck.  Now lets go change the world, Play Ball!!!!
Professional Goals

To develop a wider knowledge base and understanding about all aspects of the field of early childhood education, specifically focusing on theirs, child interactions, teacher child interactions, program management, building relationships with families, and implementing developmentally appropriate practices.

To develop a wider knowledge base and understanding of communicating and instructing adult learners in the field of early childhood education, how to teach to all learning styles, to create reflective practices in my trainings, to take the time to get to know and understand where my participants are coming from, and what level they are at in their career and education. 

To be able to take the knowledge and research gained  in my classes and implement the information into creating my training and workshops, while sharing with others in my program to help start my advocacy movement to help others understand the importance of having a solid foundation of early childhood education and child development while working with children.  

Friday, June 15, 2012

Code of Ethics

Meaningful Code of Ethics

Above all, we shall not harm children. We shall not participate in practices that are emotionally damaging, physically harmful, disrespectful, degrading, dangerous, exploitative, or intimidating to children. This principle has precedence over all others in this Code.
· This statement has such a huge impact on those that read it.  You know right away that we are setting the tone to     keep   the best interests of the children at heart.  No matter what in this field we are here to protect our children and never to cause them harm.  This principle trumps all other every time. 

To be familiar with the knowledge base of early childhood care and education and to stay informed through continuing education and training.
· The field of early childhood education is constantly changing.  As professionals we need to make sure we have a solid foundation of the field, and to continuously seek information through education and trainings to stay up to date on the current trends.  We need to do this to ensure our children and families are receiving the best services possible.

We shall demonstrate the highest standards of personal integrity, truthfulness, and honesty in all our professional activities in order to inspire the trust and confidence of the children and families and of those with whom we work.

NAEYC. (2005, April). Code of ethical conduct and statement of commitment. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from
The Division for Early Childhood. (2000, August). Code of ethics. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from