Sunday, August 5, 2012


I think that children should be assessed to look for delays that they do need interventions and services for.  However I feel that we do need to think of the whole child.  This includes not just what they can do academically with identifying letters, shapes, and numbers, but how well they are physically, socially, and emotionally developing.  We should assess how they learn, what works best in regards to the area of multiple intelligence, where they are strongest in the various levels and where are they weakest for being able to learn to the best of their abilities.  If we can identify their strongest areas and methods of learning then this would help them through their academic career as we know children do not all learn through the same methods and at the same level.
China has several assessments they use on their children.  Chidlrne can enter formal schooling at the age of six, some delayed until seven, and some children who are experimental areas can begin at age five.  They complete term assessments such as semester finals to assess their skills, end of the year assessments, and assessments at the completion of primary school to determine their level for advancing to middle school.  At the completion of middle school the children must take examinations based on local requirements and standards to determine if they advance to high school.  Some of these tests are based on collegiate requirements and some are designed by the government and local agencies. 
Specific assessments are based on literacy as China has a strong emphasis on making their country literate after a great history of having a very illiterate country.  The assessment includes being able to read Chinese characters, reading and comprehension, calculations, and practical reading. 
Zhang, Juwei, 2004.  China’s Skill Assessment System.  Institute of Population and Labor Economics

1 comment:

  1. Do you think testing alone is effective in finding delays in learning or other aspects can be just as effective without doing tests?
