Sunday, September 16, 2012

Relationship Reflection

    Relationships are a critical part of life.  We build various types of them throughout our life.  Some come and go, while others are lifelong.  My closest relationships I have are with my husband and my children. They are the love of my life.  I have been with my husband for ten years (wow that's the first I just realized that) and have been married five as of two weeks ago.  I cannot imagine my life without him.  He is my world, my best friend, and makes me laugh like nobody ever has.  I still get butterflies in my stomach every time I see him walk into a room.   My children are the reason I live.  They are my special miracles that I would not trade the world for. 

I also have very close ones with both my parents and my brother and his wife.  These are the relationships that are lifelong.  I have a great deal of family, some I am close with, others more acquaintance at the local family wedding or graduation, as well as most of my family as Facebook friends.I have a super close relationship with my mom, she is one of my best friends.  She is my rock when I need her, and has always been loving and supportive.  We talk or text at least once a day and that's a low number.  

  I have a handful of very close friends that I can count on one hand that have lasted through the years. Four specifically.  One I have known since kindergarten, and the rest since junior high.  Three of them I consider my best friends.To keep these relationships continuing it takes effort on both parts.  Thankfully with technology today it is much easier than it was 20 years ago when we all live around the country.  With computers and text messages it allows us to post comments on the Facebook page or send a text message at our convince.  Frequently it will be a specific show or song that I see or hear that reminds me of them and makes me smile.  So then I just text them a "Hi, How are ya?" message.  We go through periods of time that we may not talk for six months or longer, but then out of the blue one calls the other and its like we saw each other yesterday.  We can laugh, smile, joke, hang out, and do all kinds of things together and it just has a quaint cozy feel to it, no matter what we are engaged in.  

My small group of close friends, I know will be there for me when ever I need them.  I can call them with any issues I have and they will always be there.  The same goes right back.  They can come to me with anything and I will always be here to help them.  We have become more like sisters and I consider them my family than we are friends.  I don't think family should have to mean blood related as they are more involved in my life than some of my family.  

I have learned from relationships in the past that there are a lot of people that want to take from a relationship and not want to give nearly as much in the relationship.  Many of them come off to be one sided even when its been ongoing for a while, it may just come to realization.  Both sides have to be vested equally into the relationship and not just when its convenient.  I had one specifically that I just stopped putting the effort in and then a year later she called and asked what happened.  So I told her, she was never there when I needed her and everything was always about her.  She was a friend for convince and that's not what I was looking for.  I haven't heard from her since.  I can honestly say I don't miss her.  

I think my relationships I have and in my life will help me with my professional relationships as I know how to maintain professional boundaries.  I understand that when I have new staff, as I am going to in the spring when I open my center, that good working relationships are not automatic.  I have a crazy smart mouth that can get taken the wrong way.  I am not prim and proper, but I know when to be professional when I need to be.  I know that relationships take work and effort from both sides.  


  1. Great post and nice pictures. You have a beautiful family. Like you, my children are my world and I wouldn't trade them for the world. I have three boys. 12years, 2years, and 9months

  2. Hi, Melanie!
    I agree that professional boundaries are more difficult with people you consider friends. However, I met one of my now best friends when I hired her to work in my schoolage program at a church based center where I was director. We became fast friends, and she was even a roommate for a while. Eventually we both left the program, but ended up in the same program several years later, with me as her supervisor once again. We never had an issue with the professional boundary. She knew when to consider me her supervisor, and when I could act as her friend. After 11 years of working together at my current employer, she left to move into a different area of the field. We are still close.
    Unfortunately, it isn't that easy for some. I have seen management personnel lose the respect of their staff because they didn't know how to set the appropriate boundaries. Since you are aware of the perils, you will undoubtedly do well! Good luck in opening your own center. I have much experience in that area and would be happy to help if I can!

  3. Hi Lea,

    My first supervisor at Head Start I got along with really well. I was only under her for six months before I got a new position. We became great friends, to the point she is my daughters god mother. I can get along with just about anyone. As a result some people have tried to take it to a much personal level. I have offended several people when I have to stop then and enforce the professional boundaries.

  4. You have a beautiful family! It is wonderful to know that you have a stong, healthy relationship with your family memebers. I too am very family oriented.
