Sunday, November 4, 2012

ECE Around the world

For Part one of this week’s blog assignment, my first step was to choose a place that also spoke English so we would be able to effectively communicate.  I chose England and Australia as I know those two definitely speak English.  I started my search by searching England Early Childhood Associations.  I then found the British Association of Early Childhood Education.  I looked around to see if I could contact their staff or board by email and was unable to find anything but the general contact us page.  I searched through their trainers and found several of them so I then goggled by their names.  I found several that had their own websites.  I have contacted two of them and now am waiting to hear back from them.  The second place I searched was Early Childhood Australia.  I have also contacted two people with this organization.

For part two of this blog, the organization I chose to study was Early Childhood Australia. The first thing that caught my eye was all the resources and articles they have available.  It reminds me of NAEYC.  I also figure that since I will hopefully be using someone from there for my contacts it would make sense to use that site as my research topic.

I am really looking forward to learning about other places around the world and how they are committed to the field of early childhood.