Sunday, November 4, 2012

ECE Around the world

For Part one of this week’s blog assignment, my first step was to choose a place that also spoke English so we would be able to effectively communicate.  I chose England and Australia as I know those two definitely speak English.  I started my search by searching England Early Childhood Associations.  I then found the British Association of Early Childhood Education.  I looked around to see if I could contact their staff or board by email and was unable to find anything but the general contact us page.  I searched through their trainers and found several of them so I then goggled by their names.  I found several that had their own websites.  I have contacted two of them and now am waiting to hear back from them.  The second place I searched was Early Childhood Australia.  I have also contacted two people with this organization.

For part two of this blog, the organization I chose to study was Early Childhood Australia. The first thing that caught my eye was all the resources and articles they have available.  It reminds me of NAEYC.  I also figure that since I will hopefully be using someone from there for my contacts it would make sense to use that site as my research topic.

I am really looking forward to learning about other places around the world and how they are committed to the field of early childhood.


  1. Melanie, I see you have started off good. You have chose what seems to be some good choices. Good luck on your journey, cant wait to learn new things as well as.

    Sherrine Gipson

  2. Very good attempt, I hope they would respond. I also reviewed the Australia EC association. They have a lot of resources. I have not received any response from my mail but i hope to follow it up. i will like to have their view and that of British too. i need to compare what is obtainable here in Asia. Wishing you all the best in your search

  3. I too am wishing you well in your search and hope you receive a response in a timely manner. You have definitely put forth great efforts
