Sunday, May 20, 2012

Personal Childhood Web

My parents-My parents are my biggest supporters and only being my husband today.  They were always there and very hands on parents.  They worked opposite shifts for much of my childhood so we were typically always home with one of them.  When they got divorced they were still both very hands on and actively involved in our lives.  Now I am in my 30’s and they are still there, supporting me in the decisions I make regarding my family, personal life, education, and everything I do.  I don’t know where I would be without them. 
My grandmothers-These were two of the most special women I have ever met.  They both helped me learn how to cook.  I must say I am a great cook and I credit them mostly and a little from my dad.  However my dad learned it from my grandma!  We spent a great deal of time when we were little with both sets of my grandparents.  They all helped teach us life skills and many other important lessons. 
My best friends mom-She was there as a second mom for many years.  She was there when I was having a very difficult time with my parents divorce, always there to talk, helped me thorough many issues I had.  She kept me in line when I was getting a little crazy, and was just always there. 
My Brother- He was always there for me when I needed him.  We fought quite a bit growing up but he was always there to look out for his little sister.  I used to follow him everywhere and I am sure he hated it, but I looked up to him. 

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